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Messages - Russel

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 158
Events / Re: [MAPS] MM8BDM V6C "Bounty" - Signups open! Deadline 01/Feb/2024
« on: September 30, 2023, 08:31:18 PM »
one map at a time, will update as i go

Name: Russel

Maps / Re: [Mini Map-pack] LegoPack v2b
« on: September 26, 2023, 04:41:29 AM »
Bumping for my v6b update.

DECORATE and ACS Modifications / [Game Mode] Roboenza Frenzy
« on: September 07, 2023, 06:24:16 PM »
Take to the streets during the Roboenza Pandemic!
The virus overwrites your programming, making you want to tear everyone apart and spread the virus further.
Stifle your local outbreaks by destroying infected robots.

ROBOENZA FRENZY is a revival of the classic Rage Roboenza mode by Messatsu. If you've played other shooters.
Inspired by your typical "zombie infection" mode, your goal as a survivor is to snuff out the zombie outbreak.
If you become infected, your goal changes: infect as many players as you can before dying out.

High-performing players are additionally rewarded: they become empowered with a "Frenzy Bonus" that enhances
their attack power.

Finally, defeated infected players have a chance of dropping a cure. Sometimes, miracles do happen.

Download: TSPG

Changes from Rage Roboenza:
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Graphic credits:
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Sound credits:
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Based on:
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Disclaimer: If any crediting information on this is incorrect, please reach out. RusselCS on Discord, or post an issue to the GitHub, linked below.

neither do i and i made 90% of it

Gravity Hold got you down?
Mirror Buster killing you and your family while also serving as its own defense attourney?
Metal Blade eating your entire supply of cheese?
Time Stopper?

Download: TSPG

- Open the console. Type "banwep_weaponname true". Reset the map. It's gone! Goodbye!!
   - Example: "banwep_timestopperwep true".
   - Note: This relies on the weapon's ACTOR name. So you'll need to know that.
   - Buster upgrades are banned by UPGRADE name, not by weapon name.
- To unban, just type "banwep_weaponname false". Oh no... it's back...
- If you want to reset all bans, use the "resetwepbans" command.
- Also bans the weapon from vanilla's random LMS loadouts, and even Eddie!
- Don't like a certain item? Ban it! "banitem_item true" to stop the bullshit.
   - Example: "banitem_exitunititem true"
   - Works on basic pickups, too!
   - And PartyBall!
   - Once again, you need to know the actual actor name.
- Command to remove all item bans is "resetitembans".

Don't like empty space? HERE'S HOW YOU REPLACE SHIT:
- Open the console. Type "replacewep_weaponname replacement". Reset the map. Is that a new outfit? Wow!!
   - Example: "replacewep_metalbladewep needlecannonwep"
   - Note: Just like with banwep, you'll need to know the actor names for both things you're switching.
   - Also note: You can use ANY ACTOR NAME for this replacewep functionality. Put a prop there if you want.
- To remove the replacement, just do "replacewep_weaponname """. Back to normal!
- If you don't like any of the replacements and want them undone, use the "resetwepreplaces" command.
- Items too!! Replace shit you don't like with other stuff with "replaceitem_item replacement"!
   - Example: "replaceitem_etank bighealth"
   - Keep in mind, you need to know the actual actor names of the swaps!
- Command to revert item replacements is "resetitemreplaces"

All this works with CUSTOM STUFF TOO!
- Custom weapons and items can be banned or replaced with the same commands!
  Just make sure you have a "set" before them!
   - Examples: "set banwep_crystalhunterwep true"
            "set replacewep_pulsestopperwep frostylaserwepcm"
            "set banitem_item1nc true"
            "set replaceitem_crunchransnareitem rushbikeitem"
- Custom weapons and items DO NOT get reset by the built-in reset commands,
  as scripts only have write access to CVars defined in CVARINFO.

None of this info saves to the ini, so you'll need to make sure they're set on every server run!
(They set under TSPG's "Additional Parameters")

Mod by me, A very competent vanilla dev  :mrgreen:
Proofreading by Trill.

Known Issues:
- Some pickups, specifically those that give a passive upgrade like Energy Balancer,
  cannot be easily tied back to their pickup, which makes it difficult or impossible
  to fully remove if a player spawns on top of them before the system can remove them.
  This happens at tic 0, where no script can possibly intervene.
  I'll look into options another time.

MM8BDM version 6b changed the file structure to match the ZDoom preferred standard. Swapping to it is technically optional, but the developer of Zandronum and the administrators of server clusters like TSPG have been adamant that modders should be using the new structure because it saves on resources.

You can read about all the details on the file structure in question off of the MM8BDM Wiki.

Because MM8BDM has over 100 maps, I didn't want to move to this structure by hand... so, using Thunderono's WADParser library, I made a program to do it for me.

PK3Reorder automates most of the process of updating a map pack to the new file structure standard set out by ZDoom.

Download: Google Drive

How to use:
    1) Download above file, extract all into a folder
    2) Run PK3Reorder.exe
    3) The program will open a command prompt window and request a file. Give it the filename.
    4) Wait for the program to finish.
    5) Check the output. The program will tell you what it could not properly transfer, but it is important to double check to make sure it did not mangle anything along the way.
    6) Clean up whatever the program didn't catch. Again, the MM8BDM Wiki has a guide on how to do this.

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Requirements & Disclaimers:
System requirements: Windows system with .NET Framework 6.0. This program has not been tested on 32-bit machines.
File requirements: UDMF maps only. If you're converting files from any other format, the program will not work for it.

Because it is easier to handle files when they are exposed to the file system, part of the process involves unzipping the pk3 and re-zipping it into a new file. This may result in some changes to the resulting pk3, such as file ordering.

Fail states:
Program fails to run
Make sure the program and all the files surrounding it are properly extracted. In the folder containing them, hold shift and then right click. Click Open Powershell. Type ./PK3Reorder.exe.
There should be an https:// url in the output. Download and install the software it goes to. The package should be from Microsoft directly. .NET Framework 6.0 is required to run the program.

Error: File not found.
Specify a different file location.

Error: Could not create a folder called "textures" (or "voxels" or "animdefs" etc.)
You may need to rename one of the files (for example, the texture definition file TEXTURES to TEXTURES.txt) to differentiate the two.

Warning: Map contains non-map lumps.
This program only checks between known namespaces. It cannot make assumptions of what the file is supposed to be based on its type or placement because WAD files strip away things like file extensions and studying the file structure of every supported type is infeasible for a project such as this. If any files are outside of proper namespaces, you will need to port them manually.

B-TLMS is a mod that provides a few toggleable enhancements to LMS game modes.

Download: TSPG

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Huh. Jam updated.
It doesn't work with v6a.

Let's do something about that.

ThePits is a lightweight mod built to sort of "bridge the gap" between v6a and v6b. By running this wad before v6b-compatible map packs, you can run them in v6a.
Wow! Talk about convenient.
Now you can play all your v6a mods with the latest map packs!


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if you want these features, update your mod to v6b.
or, implement them yourself... technically nothing stopping you at this point.

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Help & Editing / Re: Help making Teleporters exclusive to gamemodes
« on: July 11, 2021, 09:48:45 AM »
First off, a 2-way teleporter in 8BDM makes use of thing type 10562, Teleport Entrance.
If you give this actor a Tag under the Action tab, then it can be manipulated and removed from ACS.

With the function GetCVar, you can check the current gamemode.
Finally, you'd want to remove the actor with Thing_Remove.

So, if you put them together, you get the following:
Code: [Select]
if(GetCVar("ctf")) {

This example assumes you set the tag to 10. You can technically set the tag to anything you want, but you need to make sure the tag placed on the teleport entrance and the one passed into the function here.
You will need to give a tag to both teleport entrances in order for this to remove the teleporters on both sides of the map.

Forum Games / Re: Cutstuff 2020's Best Robot Master EVER
« on: December 18, 2020, 10:39:03 PM »

Forum Games / Re: Cutstuff 2020's Best Robot Master EVER
« on: December 17, 2020, 05:27:39 PM »
Buster Rod G

Forum Games / Re: Cutstuff 2020's Best Robot Master EVER
« on: December 16, 2020, 05:38:29 PM »

Forum Games / Re: Cutstuff 2020's Best Robot Master EVER
« on: December 15, 2020, 05:10:28 PM »

Forum Games / Re: Cutstuff 2020's Best Robot Master EVER
« on: December 14, 2020, 07:53:14 PM »

It actually is!

In SKININFO, you can set the following flags in addition to the ones in the skin tutorial.
Code: [Select]
*critpain = MM6LAND
*critdeth = GODCHOKE

This example uses in-built sounds, do note that *critpain plays in addition to the normal pain sound, so it might be hard to hear if you pick something too quiet.

Help & Editing / Re: Do controllers work with this game?
« on: October 04, 2020, 02:22:09 AM »
Moved this topic to Help & Editing (was in Bugs & Suggestions)

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