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Topics - poqsecf

Pages: [1]
Maps / Ducktales NES Moon Map
« on: January 10, 2019, 06:11:55 PM »
Hey everyone,

I've been playing this game for about a year now and I love it. Had an idea for a map based on the moon level from Ducktales NES, mostly cos I love the music. But also I think it would translate well into a 3d map - a ground level with a big ass spaceship in the middle, a couple of floors and maybe an alien disco on the roof. Perhaps some tractor beam-style teleporters.

Never made a doom map before but I've got experience using CAD software so reckon I can make a go of it.

Just wondered if anyone knows if this has been done already, and if not, whether you think it would be a fun map for deathmatching.


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