Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch > MM8BDM Discussion

An interesting thing I found in the code for Light Labs


Was looking through the Light Labs acs source when I found among other things (chapters names such as "Advent of the Stardroids") was this dialogue involving Roll, Megaman?, and Roboenza(I presume). Is this for the new Chapter 12/v6, an artifact of an older version, or something else I missed while playing?

(click to show/hide)
--- Code: ---Log(s:"\caRoll\c*: ", n:1, s:"\c*!"); SetActorState(19, "Talking"); AmbientSound("misc/chat",127);

if(GetUserCvar(0, "mm8bdm_copydefeat1") == 0){
Log(s:"\caRoll\c*: I... I'm glad you haven't caught the virus that is spreading around."); SetActorState(19, "Talking"); AmbientSound("misc/chat",127);

Log(s:"\caRoll\c*: I have a favor to ask... If you have time."); SetActorState(19, "Talking"); AmbientSound("misc/chat",127);

Log(s:"\caRoll\c*: I just heard on the news that Mega Man has been playing pranks on innocent bystanders.");  SetActorState(19, "Talking");AmbientSound("misc/chat",127);

Log(s:"\caRoll\c*: But that's not possible! Mega Man has been here the whole time!"); SetActorState(19, "Talking"); AmbientSound("misc/chat",127);

Log(s:"\caRoll\c*: And pranks?! That just isn't something Rock would do!"); SetActorState(19, "Talking"); AmbientSound("misc/chat",127);

Log(s:"\caRoll\c*: Could you check it out, please? Dr. Light doesn't want any of us leaving the lab."); SetActorState(19, "Talking"); AmbientSound("misc/chat",127);
Log(s:"\caRoll\c*: That imposter is on the move again! Can you track him down?"); SetActorState(19, "Talking"); AmbientSound("misc/chat",127);
SetPlayerProperty(1, 0, 4);

SetThingSpecial(19, 80, 51, 0, 1);
ActorFace(19, 1000);

if(GetUserCvar(0, "mm8bdm_copydefeat1") == 0){Log(s:"\caRoll\c*: \"Mega Man\" was last seen in the \cgFire Man\c* arena.");  SetActorState(19, "Talking");AmbientSound("misc/chat",127);}
if(GetUserCvar(0, "mm8bdm_copydefeat1") == 1 && GetUserCvar(0, "mm8bdm_copydefeat2") == 0){Log(s:"\caRoll\c*: \"Mega Man\" was last seen in the \chHard Man\c* arena.");  SetActorState(19, "Talking");AmbientSound("misc/chat",127);}
if(GetUserCvar(0, "mm8bdm_copydefeat1") == 1 && GetUserCvar(0, "mm8bdm_copydefeat2") == 1 && GetUserCvar(0, "mm8bdm_copydefeat3") == 0){Log(s:"\caRoll\c*: \"Mega Man\" was last seen in the \cnWave Man\c* arena.");  SetActorState(19, "Talking");AmbientSound("misc/chat",127);}


Log(s:"\caRoll\c*: Good luck! And be careful!"); SetActorState(19, "Talking"); AmbientSound("misc/chat",127);
--- End code ---

Nope. That's just dialogue intended to let returning players know that the fights against Megaman? were added in v5b.


--- Quote from: Korby on August 06, 2019, 10:54:04 PM ---Nope. That's just dialogue intended to let returning players know that the fights against Megaman? were added in v5b.

--- End quote ---

Ah, okay. That makes sense.


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