Spotlight: IX-Pack

Posted by admin | Releases | Friday 23 September 2011 1:49 pm

Hello everyone, I’m one of the new writers for the MM8BDM Blog! My name is SmashBroPlusB, and I’ve been around the community since ye old SGC demo was officially released. Since then, I’ve stuck around the forums, mainly annoying helping the other users and giving feedback on various community projects. However, this blog post isn’t about me, and if you want to talk to me that badly then just hit me up with a PM you sexy beast.


Anyway, I’m here to (sort of) introduce the IX-Pack. In reality, the IX-Pack is mainly recycled content. Ivory’s I-Pack and Mr. X’s X-Pack have been merged into one giant mountain of awesome, and it’s all here for your 8-bit pleasure. Notorious maps such as Sunset Canyon, Whomp’s Fortress, and Blade Man Castle are present in the pack’s roster. Now I know you’re thinking, “If I already have the I-Pack and the X-Pack, why should I download this?” Simple. First of all, the new content is more than enough to lure you in. There are 10 new maps in the pack, all of which have been expertly designed by a long-time veteran of the community. As if that wasn’t enough, the pre-existing maps from the I- and X-Packs have all been retouched, eliminating bugs and glitches, slightly changing layouts for better level flow, and moving around weapons/items for better balance.


The IX-Pack actually came out a few weeks ago, so technically this isn’t really an “introduction”, but even still it’s nice to get some free publicity, right? If you’re one of the few who hasn’t managed to grab the IX-Pack yet, you can find the download link here. You’ll also find a complete map listing, more information on the pack itself, and some nifty screenshots.