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Topics - Joseph Collins

Pages: 1 [2]
Tutorial Collection / [TUTORIAL] Using Custom Content in MM8BDM
« on: October 20, 2010, 06:46:25 PM »
Big Huge Note: This tutorial mostly applies to Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch v1a.  The next version will have a launcher that can run custom content in Single Player/Offline mode.

There seems to be a degree of confusion how to run custom content other than skins.  A lot of people assume that absolutely anything in the "skins" directory will automatically load for them.  Well, that's just not true.  Due to the way Skulltag works, if you place a PK3/WAD/ZIP into "skins" directory, the game will only look within that file for "SKININFO" lumps.  It will never read anything but the SKININFO lump and the associated sprites.  You simply cannot load custom maps, bots, or bot chats in this way.  This is due to the fact if you're overriding certain base content and try to go online, the server might kick you out with a "version mismatch" error. (Consider it an "anti-cheat" tactic.)
To summarize, skins go in "MM8BDM/skins" and will automatically load when you run your game.  Anything else put there will more than likely not load automatically.

On another note, there doesn't seem to be a way to run ZIPs/PK3s within ZIPs/PK3s.  For example, let's say you run the game with "File1.PK3".  Let's say File1.PK3 has "File2.PK3" and a couple of bots within it, and in File2.PK3 are some custom maps.  Skulltag will never actually read File2.PK3 for some reason.  So...if you have a lot of custom bots or maps that you want to load, you may have to load them individually.  The game will read WAD files within PK3/ZIP files, however.

This tutorial will go over the Windows-specific stuff in loading custom content into your copy of Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch.  If someone else wants to add Linux or MacOS instructions, please do!
How to Use Custom Content (Windows Instructions)[/u]
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How to Use Custom Content (Linux Instructions)[/u]
How to Use Custom Content (MacOS Instructions)[/u]

Mega Man Discussion / Fan Stuff! (Art, Music, Sprites, Etc.)
« on: October 17, 2010, 07:37:20 PM »
Seriously.  Why don't we have a general "fan stuff" thread yet?

No, this isn't the place to come looking for skins and stuff.  This is a thread for people that want to show off their Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch-related fan art, music, and other creations!  :D  Let's get the ball rolling with this sprite comic I made.

Bonus Time Comics #dA07 - Inflammable
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Skins & Bots etc / Joseph's Modifications (Updated 11/16/10)
« on: October 16, 2010, 06:55:16 PM »
So...I've made some stuff for the game since I've gotten a hold of it and have chosen to share it with you folks.  I'm not sure how useful my stuff would be for most people, since I mostly made it for myself, but here we go!

Please don't ask how to use these files.  The answers are already on the forum.  Plus, it's really easy with the new launcher!
Joseph's Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch Stuff
Last updated October 31, 2010
**File** = New file as of last update.

- The cute and cuddly Metool joins the frey!

StarFix - Fixes the Star Man easter egg broken in v1b.

JCDM01 - Simply Wily - Doom II's "Dead Simple" converted to Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch.  And modified to fit the theme.  :3

Other Stuff?

**Eddie Fix** - Fixes the "squished" side-view Eddie sprites and enhances them in some ways.

More to come...  Feel free to browse in the meantime!

MM8BDM Discussion / [?] Chapter 3 Boss Portrait **SPOILERS**
« on: October 11, 2010, 05:27:40 PM »
Where'd you get that [chapter 3 boss] portrait from?  Which one?  This one.
(click to show/hide)
It looks pretty good!  But it looks awfully familiar to me...  Now, where have I seen that portrait before...?  Hm...  Wait.  Wait, it's coming to me.  Oh, yeah, now I remember!  Right here!  :B

It's nice to know my work is appreciated, albeit uncredited.  XD  Thank you!

MM8BDM Discussion / [Question] Here Comes a New Challenger!
« on: October 10, 2010, 09:27:03 AM »
I was just curious here...  Do the mid-boss fights from Chapter 2 onward count toward anything?  I lost the one in Chapter 2 the first time I did it, but I won the second time I did it and there was no sign whatsoever I'd gained anything at all. (It's entirely possible I gained a new weapon from the fight and died before I thought to use it, but Eddie can give you those weapons, too.)


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