General > Anything Goes

Who is this?

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I just found this little Bio in Wikipedia and had to give myself a facepalm. Can anyone guess who this is and why I would feel stupid about not knowing this before?

Good point: Sharp and cunning
Bad point: Stubborn
Like: Haircuts
Dislike: Rocks

Hint: It is the origin of someone's name and avatar on this site, until previously I had no idea that this character even existed outside

Cutman, and user error.

I think it's Cutman's bio thing from Megaman & Bass on the GBA (Rockman & Forte on the Super Famicom/SNES in Japan had a different one). Either way though, still rather obvious. =P Wait, you didn't know about the Megaman series?

Edward scissor head.

Snip-snippety-snip! Sounds like scissors.
Cutman is my guess.

Funny fact about why he doesn't like rocks..

Rock, paper, scissors!

Rocks make Cutman(Scissors) go "D:"


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