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Messages - Hallan Parva

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Events / Re: Cutstuff CTF Competition 2: That's My Horse!
« on: August 17, 2016, 06:55:13 AM »
Gospel is wrong, Thunder's map has three paths
on the interior side path, take the upper route to cut through the side via a 3D Floor bridge

also a list of map names or screenshots or something would help out a lot
I don't immediately connect these maps to their authors
being able to go "hey this is that pirate map" or "hey this is the waterway" would make putting in votes a lot easier than digging through mapcodes offline

Bugs/Suggestions / Re: CTF Maps- Suggestions/Reworks
« on: August 16, 2016, 01:32:20 AM »
The problem with Copy Vision and Remote Mine isn't that they can block pathways; it's that some punk kid can just take a dump all over the flag pedestal and prevent anyone from picking it up without dying. Hornet Chaser is a different issue entirely; homing straight-up doesn't work in CTF, for some inane reason... despite working perfectly in every other team-based game mode ever. It's probably some Zandronum issue or something, not much we can do about it for the moment. And because homing doesn't work, Hornet Chaser just sort of hangs in the air wherever you drop it... which makes it a flying Flame Blast... and continues the issue of being able to just plant death around the flag pedestal.

Projects & Creative / Re: MEGA MAN ROCK FORCE
« on: August 13, 2016, 11:06:33 PM »
dude gimme that sweet juicy MMRFPUL syrup

also, suggestion for Charade Clone: make it function like Hologram from Halo Reach
firing creates a hologram that walks straight forward to wherever your mouse is pointing (doesn't move if you aim down)

since you can't copy the user's skin in 8BDM, and the original "confuse your friends and escape !!!!" intent would therefore be lost, instead make Charade Clone fire out Copy Vision blob dudes that explode on contact, or after a few seconds when they stop at their destination (sort of like a chunkier exploding Bubble Lead that doesn't sink to the floor immediately)

neat, apostrophes were fixed (SOMEHOW???)
and yeah I was using a different theme; changed back to BlueBird and whoa that's a nice Cutstuff logo there

thanks a ton

[11:25:13 PM] Korby: if you actually think the new forums sux you should probably voice those complaints somewhere mike can hear them

hi I'm complaining now

+ The custom title whatevers (e.g. stand-in for location) have really low character limits... but Korby's stretches to two lines just fine. Also you're not allowed to use apostrophes; everything after an apostrophe is deleted. Try setting your title to Now I'm mad! and watch it only render as Now I'.
+ I still have an intense hatred for the previous/next buttons and their behavior of shunting you to different topics.
+ Previously noted, the Search function seems to have its own rules separate from the rules it gives you, making finding posts incredibly luck-based.
+ Minor gripe, a lot of the board topics still have really weird formatting errors, like "Topics will expire after 3 weeks of inactivity." Probably a discrepancy between PHPBB formatting and the current formatting, but still worth a mention.
+ WHY DO THE CUTMAN EMOTES USE CHARACTER SUBSTITUTION NOW. I have to manually disable smileys every time I want to stick three question marks next to each other and it sucks. Also a lot of them don't even make sense; :geeky: is called "embarrassed" and marked by :-[, but :ugeek: is "lips sealed" and triggered by :-X... what?

[11:19:13 PM] Thunderono: rt the logout button is fucking massive and also nowhere near your profile
[11:19:36 PM] Capsule J: I remember the next page buttons being in the bottom right
[11:19:51 PM] Capsule J: so I was confused when I'd hit next and then go to a completely different topic
[11:19:59 PM] Thunderono: yeah that's hit me a few times

Most of my other gripes are actually a result of the default forum layout options sucking hardcore. A few checkboxes change things back to (almost) normal, but the default settings make everything backwards and not make any sense. (For example: why would you ever want to show all of your Private Messages from separate users and with separate topics back to back like they were a giant forum thread ???????) If possible, I'd suggest actually changing the default settings for new users / users who haven't signed in yet, just to make things easier to grasp for everybody.

It's getting there, but not quite yet.

You know what's misleading? The "<< previous next >>" links at the top and bottom of each page of a thread. They don't take you to the next page of a multi-page thread; no, they take you to completely different threads.

I don't like it.

EDIT: wait wtf how come Korby can have a location and nobody else can

(click to show/hide)
hopefully you find a way to port over the old layout (or something similar)

the forums have looked largely the same since before the SGC Demo was a thing
I guess the current theme just sort of... iunno, feels alien almost?

also R.I.P. fun medal :-X

Anything Goes / Re: What is your avatar from/of?
« on: August 04, 2016, 08:59:35 PM »
my power is incredible

MM8BDM Discussion / Re: Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch V5 - RELEASED!
« on: August 03, 2016, 10:11:08 AM »
actually I've fought everyone and I'll side with Shmeckie on this one; Bass 2 fucking sucks hardcore

it's entirely because of the stage and it's entirely because of Super Adaptor
I honestly felt like I was fighting the game more than I was fighting the boss

at least with Mega Mech Shark, I could fly around fully instead of use my singular boost jump and then fall in a pit anyway
at least with the chase, I'm made immediately aware of the area I can stand in, and I can't fall off into death or anything
hell, Enker/Ballade/Gamma all technically have death pits, but the stages are either moderately large or have the edges railed off

Bass 1 is near flawless but Bass 2 completely sours the mood

MM8BDM Discussion / Re: Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch V5 - RELEASED!
« on: August 03, 2016, 04:37:33 AM »
be a nice and cool person who can make productive things to help development
a lot of the dev team is asked to join, not the other way around

also the team tends to shift around a lot so don't worry if you're new or relatively unknown
I mean look at IamaMedalHunter, that guy's a total boss who pretty much came outta nowhere

you just gotta believe, man

Anything Goes / Re: Cutstuff Shorts
« on: August 03, 2016, 02:56:16 AM »
(click to show/hide)
thanks Dood

Tutorial Collection / Re: Is There, Or Will There Be, a Class Tutorial?
« on: August 02, 2016, 08:51:10 AM »
Related request: an updated weapon template / tutorial. Since it was mentioned, out of sheer curiosity I tried digging it up, only to realize it's nowhere in the Tutorial Collection and buried several pages underneath Help & Editing. It's also really really old. A new one brought up to v5 standards would be wonderful.

Closed / Re: [Suggestion] Treble Sentry variant for team modes.
« on: August 02, 2016, 05:18:52 AM »
Actually, Lego tells me it's entirely because Treble is a monster, not a projectile like all other summons in the game. See, the weird part's that homing works totally fine in team modes, except for CTF specifically. Try using Hornet Chaser sometime, it's the best way to immediately notice whether homing works or not.

You could just change Treble to a projectile with no collision that deals zero damage, and have him fire shots that have pin-point perfect "homing" for 1 tic. The shots would redirect themselves to a player but continue to move straight forward (as they have now lost their homing), which replicates Treble's current behavior of aiming at an enemy player and firing. Actually, because Treble is now a projectile that shoots more projectiles, he'd have the added bonus of not killing its owner or any allies (since you can't normally take damage from your own weapons, but a monster can damage you because it's a monster).

Rejected / Re: [Suggestion] Indicate time left for assist items
« on: August 02, 2016, 05:14:59 AM »
Treble Sentry would be nice to have a duration visual. Just put a bar over his head that drains over time or whatever, that'll do just fine.

As for Beat Support, Rush Jet, and Rush Marine, it would be nice to see exactly how much "fuel" you have left with them. Especially Rush Marine, since you can leave water and then come back, and it resumes its fuel count where you last left off.

Rejected / [confusion] Thunder Bolt's icon
« on: August 02, 2016, 03:41:33 AM »
this happened several times while I was streaming so I have witnesses to back me up on this

but I really don't like Thunder Bolt's new icon.

It's not the fact that I think it looks bad or weird or that I'm not used to it, it's that it looks entirely too similar to other icons. I'll often mistake it for Plug Ball, only to notice the yellow and blue on it when I'm like three inches in front of it. It doesn't even look anything like Thunder Bolt. Hell, at one point when I was on MM7CLO I thought it was Wind Storm. Apparently there are others who share this sentiment, and clarity isn't something to take lightly. Even if it was just colored more obviously or made bigger or something, please change Thunder Bolt's icon to be more obvious as to what it is.

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