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Topics - Russel

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DECORATE and ACS Modifications / [Game Mode] Roboenza Frenzy
« on: September 07, 2023, 06:24:16 PM »
Take to the streets during the Roboenza Pandemic!
The virus overwrites your programming, making you want to tear everyone apart and spread the virus further.
Stifle your local outbreaks by destroying infected robots.

ROBOENZA FRENZY is a revival of the classic Rage Roboenza mode by Messatsu. If you've played other shooters.
Inspired by your typical "zombie infection" mode, your goal as a survivor is to snuff out the zombie outbreak.
If you become infected, your goal changes: infect as many players as you can before dying out.

High-performing players are additionally rewarded: they become empowered with a "Frenzy Bonus" that enhances
their attack power.

Finally, defeated infected players have a chance of dropping a cure. Sometimes, miracles do happen.

Download: TSPG

Changes from Rage Roboenza:
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Graphic credits:
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Sound credits:
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Based on:
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Disclaimer: If any crediting information on this is incorrect, please reach out. RusselCS on Discord, or post an issue to the GitHub, linked below.

neither do i and i made 90% of it

Gravity Hold got you down?
Mirror Buster killing you and your family while also serving as its own defense attourney?
Metal Blade eating your entire supply of cheese?
Time Stopper?

Download: TSPG

- Open the console. Type "banwep_weaponname true". Reset the map. It's gone! Goodbye!!
   - Example: "banwep_timestopperwep true".
   - Note: This relies on the weapon's ACTOR name. So you'll need to know that.
   - Buster upgrades are banned by UPGRADE name, not by weapon name.
- To unban, just type "banwep_weaponname false". Oh no... it's back...
- If you want to reset all bans, use the "resetwepbans" command.
- Also bans the weapon from vanilla's random LMS loadouts, and even Eddie!
- Don't like a certain item? Ban it! "banitem_item true" to stop the bullshit.
   - Example: "banitem_exitunititem true"
   - Works on basic pickups, too!
   - And PartyBall!
   - Once again, you need to know the actual actor name.
- Command to remove all item bans is "resetitembans".

Don't like empty space? HERE'S HOW YOU REPLACE SHIT:
- Open the console. Type "replacewep_weaponname replacement". Reset the map. Is that a new outfit? Wow!!
   - Example: "replacewep_metalbladewep needlecannonwep"
   - Note: Just like with banwep, you'll need to know the actor names for both things you're switching.
   - Also note: You can use ANY ACTOR NAME for this replacewep functionality. Put a prop there if you want.
- To remove the replacement, just do "replacewep_weaponname """. Back to normal!
- If you don't like any of the replacements and want them undone, use the "resetwepreplaces" command.
- Items too!! Replace shit you don't like with other stuff with "replaceitem_item replacement"!
   - Example: "replaceitem_etank bighealth"
   - Keep in mind, you need to know the actual actor names of the swaps!
- Command to revert item replacements is "resetitemreplaces"

All this works with CUSTOM STUFF TOO!
- Custom weapons and items can be banned or replaced with the same commands!
  Just make sure you have a "set" before them!
   - Examples: "set banwep_crystalhunterwep true"
            "set replacewep_pulsestopperwep frostylaserwepcm"
            "set banitem_item1nc true"
            "set replaceitem_crunchransnareitem rushbikeitem"
- Custom weapons and items DO NOT get reset by the built-in reset commands,
  as scripts only have write access to CVars defined in CVARINFO.

None of this info saves to the ini, so you'll need to make sure they're set on every server run!
(They set under TSPG's "Additional Parameters")

Mod by me, A very competent vanilla dev  :mrgreen:
Proofreading by Trill.

Known Issues:
- Some pickups, specifically those that give a passive upgrade like Energy Balancer,
  cannot be easily tied back to their pickup, which makes it difficult or impossible
  to fully remove if a player spawns on top of them before the system can remove them.
  This happens at tic 0, where no script can possibly intervene.
  I'll look into options another time.

MM8BDM version 6b changed the file structure to match the ZDoom preferred standard. Swapping to it is technically optional, but the developer of Zandronum and the administrators of server clusters like TSPG have been adamant that modders should be using the new structure because it saves on resources.

You can read about all the details on the file structure in question off of the MM8BDM Wiki.

Because MM8BDM has over 100 maps, I didn't want to move to this structure by hand... so, using Thunderono's WADParser library, I made a program to do it for me.

PK3Reorder automates most of the process of updating a map pack to the new file structure standard set out by ZDoom.

Download: Google Drive

How to use:
    1) Download above file, extract all into a folder
    2) Run PK3Reorder.exe
    3) The program will open a command prompt window and request a file. Give it the filename.
    4) Wait for the program to finish.
    5) Check the output. The program will tell you what it could not properly transfer, but it is important to double check to make sure it did not mangle anything along the way.
    6) Clean up whatever the program didn't catch. Again, the MM8BDM Wiki has a guide on how to do this.

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Requirements & Disclaimers:
System requirements: Windows system with .NET Framework 6.0. This program has not been tested on 32-bit machines.
File requirements: UDMF maps only. If you're converting files from any other format, the program will not work for it.

Because it is easier to handle files when they are exposed to the file system, part of the process involves unzipping the pk3 and re-zipping it into a new file. This may result in some changes to the resulting pk3, such as file ordering.

Fail states:
Program fails to run
Make sure the program and all the files surrounding it are properly extracted. In the folder containing them, hold shift and then right click. Click Open Powershell. Type ./PK3Reorder.exe.
There should be an https:// url in the output. Download and install the software it goes to. The package should be from Microsoft directly. .NET Framework 6.0 is required to run the program.

Error: File not found.
Specify a different file location.

Error: Could not create a folder called "textures" (or "voxels" or "animdefs" etc.)
You may need to rename one of the files (for example, the texture definition file TEXTURES to TEXTURES.txt) to differentiate the two.

Warning: Map contains non-map lumps.
This program only checks between known namespaces. It cannot make assumptions of what the file is supposed to be based on its type or placement because WAD files strip away things like file extensions and studying the file structure of every supported type is infeasible for a project such as this. If any files are outside of proper namespaces, you will need to port them manually.

B-TLMS is a mod that provides a few toggleable enhancements to LMS game modes.

Download: TSPG

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Huh. Jam updated.
It doesn't work with v6a.

Let's do something about that.

ThePits is a lightweight mod built to sort of "bridge the gap" between v6a and v6b. By running this wad before v6b-compatible map packs, you can run them in v6a.
Wow! Talk about convenient.
Now you can play all your v6a mods with the latest map packs!


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if you want these features, update your mod to v6b.
or, implement them yourself... technically nothing stopping you at this point.

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Closed / [BUG] Projectile-shooting props don't properly take frags.
« on: March 15, 2018, 12:11:48 AM »
... Sometimes.

More specifically, If you're close enough to stick your dick into a crow or a force beam launcher, and die to their attacks, you don't lose frags.

Easiest way to fix it would just be to make it so the projectile can't deal damage until after the projectile's target is cleared.

When I eventually go to fix this, I'll make a deep dive to see what all needs this change.

On the subject of Kyorowns, with the advent of things like A_RearrangePointers and the pointer option for A_GiveInventory, it's possible to make them taunt if you wanna readd that nifty little feature.


SCORCHED EARTH is a modification that puts you at the mercy of the map's weapon layout.
In LAST MAN STANDING and TEAM LAST MAN STANDING, weapons, and weapon energy spawn in the map.
Small health does not spawn, placing additional pressure on zones where your team can heal.
The world around you determines more than simply how you move, but how you strategize and prioritize areas on which you want to protect.

    - YA'LL FOLKS THOUGHT YOU'D BE PROVIDED WEAPONS? NAH. GET YER OWN SET O' WEAPONS. - Self explanatory. Ya gotta pick up your weapons.
    - MAN UP AND USE YER SUPPLIES WHERE YA GET 'EM. - E-Tanks and M-Tanks are now replaced with Large health and Mega Health respectively.
    - PANSY-ASS PLANT BARRIER TAKES MORE TO HEAL YA - Plant Barrier's health to cost ratio is reduced from 4:1 -> 4:4.
    - YOU FOLKS GOTTA SHOW SOME SPIRIT - Mega Buster's HUD is now team colored.
    - YA'LL BEEN THROUGH TRAINING. YOU KNOW HOW TO GET OUTTA AN EARLY FIGHT. - This mod uses its own spawn invulnerability. Upon spawning, you are invulnerable for three [3] seconds. This is terminated early by attacking after the first half second. Spawning also blasts away projectiles. [Can be changed using SE_InvulnTime and SE_InvulnBlast]
    - YA SHOULD KNOW WHEN SUPPLY DROP BE COMIN' IN. - All significant pickups now have visible respawn timers.
    - ONCE YER OUT THERE, SPLIT UP. - Initial spawns use team spawns where available. All spawns after that use typical deathmatch spawns. [This can be disabled by toggling SE_OverrideTeamStarts to false]
    - YOU MIGHT SEE SOME NEWFANGLED TECH. DON'T LET THAT CONFUSE YA. - This mod should be compatible with most large scale gameplay mods similar to Rock Force or maybe even Classes. Note that compatible means "it'll run" in this instance. Not sure why you'd run it with Classes since health won't scale the same but hey, you do you. It works with Rock Force's full mod, but all orange team actors are red. Similarly, all custom pickups will not have respawn timers. This includes new replacements for health and assists.

That's it!
SCORCHED EARTH is a mod about picking up weapons and not dying.
In general, it can be summed up as "DM with lives" or "LMS with weapons"

It's a pretty simple mod, honestly.

[Current version: 1.2]

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Closed / [BUG] LIGHTTV patch replaced by texture of the same name
« on: August 22, 2016, 12:57:40 PM »

This can be fixed simply by changing their the name of the texture introduced in v5 or by changing the patch name in the v4 credits wad and remapping the texture definition accordingly.

I recommend the latter seeing as it's less likely someone replaced LIGHTTV [patch] than it is someone would use the texture in a map.

This is primarily here for reference by either me or Cutman Mike.

Closed / [BUG] CTF Flags are fucking short
« on: August 16, 2016, 03:55:14 PM »
CTF flags are as tall as those dinky stairs people now use everywhere.
This was fixed in core Zandronum but we still haven't addressed this.

People should be allowed to jump and dunk the flag, so here's a wad that fixes it:
Note: This wad messes up custom teams.
Also there's a white flag in this wad that shouldn't be used at all.

Closed / [Suggestion] Weapon Slot Retune
« on: February 01, 2016, 11:15:21 PM »
This suggestion should speak for itself.
When scrolling through this game's large set of weapons, even if you don't use bound slots, there isn't a ton of cohesion between what a weapon is theoretically supposed to be used for and how it would work in practice. This causes some weird placements of weapons such as Mega Ball going in the close-range weapons like Slash Claw and Thunder Claw when it seems more of a ranged option similar to Gemini Laser, or Sakugarne being placed into the Area-of-Effect slot with things like Gravity Hold when it acts more like a melee + mobility tool akin to Tengu Blade and Charge Kick.

This order of weapon placement and reasoning is somewhat ambiguous and should probably be addressed.

Currently, the slot layouts are as follows:

1 - "Busters" [8 Weapons]
This section contains the weapons that replace the Mega Buster from inventory items.
It contains the following weapons:
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2 - "Ranged" [16 weapons]
The weapons that are supposed to be strong at longer ranges.
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3 - "Rapid" [9 weapons]
Generally, these weapons are good at striking targets quickly, not offering much time between rounds.
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4 - "Close" [21 weapons]
These weapons are supposedly strong up close to an opponent.
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5 - "Power" [13 weapons]
Likely positions where it is due to Doom's Rocket Launcher, this category contains weapons that pack a general punch, or explode violently.
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6 - "Area-Of-Effect" and "Special" [10 weapons]
This section contains the weapons that either impact a large area, or are "too weird to categorize."
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7 - "Shield" [8 weapons]
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As of v4c, our total of weapons is 85. As developers and content creators for this game, it is advisable to make handling such an arsenal as painless as possible for players. One step in doing so would be to standardize how the default slot system is formatted.

This topic is for feedback related to a revised system for slots.
Which do you feel would be the best solution? A complete rework of the slot system? Arranging certain weapons so that they make more sense in the slot and scroll order? Give some feedback and help to improve one of the more overlooked details of the game.

Closed / [BUG] Floor-crawling weapons die on sink terrain
« on: December 16, 2015, 06:10:38 PM »
The topic name is misleading, the issue is more detailed than that.
When aiming down, specific weapons have different effects or are straight up eaten on sink terrain.

The following floor-crawlers behave normally:
Water Wave
Scorch Wheel
Wind Storm
Ice Wave

The following weapons are eaten:
Bubble Lead

The following weapons have different effects:
Search Snake [No warmup time]

I'll work out a fix later today

Rejected / [Suggestion] Charge weapons auto-release
« on: June 18, 2015, 08:48:06 AM »
This one is kinda short, so I'll cut right to the chase.

Charge weapons in this game seem to pack quite a bit of pressure behind them because of how much power they can have over your opponents. In order to help alleviate this, my thought was to make charge weapons "release" their charge after a set period of time.

I wanted to put this suggestion in a forum thread because I wanted to know what people thought about it before doing anything with it. Bear in mind that this is by no means trying to make the weapon harder to use, but is instead trying to make it so charge weapons cannot be held forever.

Skins & Bots etc / [HUD Mod] Minimalist UI - v1a
« on: March 09, 2015, 12:19:30 AM »
A UI with arguably more features than core with half as much code.
That is the way of the minimalist.

This is a modified UI for MM8BDM based on efforts to make a UI that was compatible with virtually every normal weapons mod out there and while this does not exactly do that, I think the result was pretty nice nonetheless.
This HUD eventually became a somewhat-complete redesign of the Classic Megaman UI with graphics based off of Megaman ZX.

I noted in the horizontal HUD rework thread, the code for creating UIs is completely clientsided, meaning you can run a mod with a custom UI with new graphics and everything on a client and join a server as you would any other.

There isn't much more I can say about this, so I'll just let screenshots speak for themselves.
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INSTALLATION: Use SLADE or SLumpEd to open MM8BDM-v4b.pk3.
Download and import the above wad as a lump.
Ensure the wad is the last file in the pk3 and hit save.
Assuming you didn't tamper with any other core files, you should be able to freely join any server you were able to previously.

NOTES: - This UI will only work on vanilla-based modes. If any mods are running that make use of SBARINFO, this mod will no longer be fully functional.
- As a result of this UI being specifically designed to work in pvp modes, boss health and related resources use the same as horizontal in core. Unsure if I will update it to include a custom version or not.
- The UI was designed in the vein of horizontal bar mode, so it works the same regardless of bar mode.

Closed / [BUG] Splitting weapons occasionally hit more than once
« on: March 01, 2015, 02:59:06 AM »
You know the deal.
The class of weapons composed of Thunder Bolt, Freeze Cracker, and Dust Crusher can occasionally hit twice or more, dealing more damage than initially intended.

This particular issue will require a bunch of experimentation, but my current plan is to spawn a special version of the projectile if the initial shot hits a player. This version of the projectile is partially transparent and has the THRUACTORS flag. After a delay of approximately 46/speed of the projectile [distance of the hypotenuse of the player's x/y hitbox divided by the speed of the projectile.]
The transparent deal is to make it more clear that the projectile is there, but won't deal damage.

If the initial projectile does not hit a player, the split projectiles do not have THRUACTORS and are fully opaque.

I suggest using THRUACTORS over NOCLIP because that will allow the projectile to not clip over walls which projectiles of that type seem to do at the moment.

This suggestion applies to Dust Crusher, Freeze Cracker, and Thunder Bolt.

Any discussion of Gyro Attack in this topic should be ignored, as this bug is not the same as the double-hit exploit on said weapon.

Maps / [Mini Map-pack] LegoPack v2c
« on: August 07, 2014, 01:29:16 PM »
It's the v6b update

This update doesn't add any new content in particular. It just tunes up the maps to use the newest available tech.
Also, it grandfathers in two maps that were previously only on SweatPack.

v6a players won't get anything new out of updating their wad here. For those who care beyond that, check the changelog for more details.

Download v2c from TSPG

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Latest Changelog
-v2b -> v2c-
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Old changelogs
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Previous versions
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As noted in the readme, this map pack was designed with small scale modes in mind. As such, servers with large populations may not yield the greatest playability.

Criticisms are always welcome, thank you for trying my pack and all the support I've received so far!

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