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Topics - Badz

Pages: [1]
Closed / [Suggestion] Make homing weapons use A_SeekerMissile
« on: March 29, 2015, 10:45:50 PM »
Currently, homing weapons inherit from MageStaffFX2 and use A_MStaffTrack for their homing properties; that inheritance tends to cause issues when the projectile collides with something that isn't a player. However, with the advent of Zandronum 2.0, A_SeekerMissile now has access to all of its parameters, allowing homing missiles to no longer rely on that workaround anymore thanks to the SMF_LOOK flag! Also, it allows for more precise control of the homing capabilities of the projectile.

Unrelated note, +NOEXPLODEFLOOR is also supposed to work now

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