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Topics - Ivan1997

Pages: [1]
Rejected / [Suggestion] MMIIGB themes for Robot Masters
« on: August 16, 2017, 04:07:52 PM »
I have a little music suggestion for Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch.

I know that Tengu Man has 2 alternate music themes when you select his stage, it'll either play his theme from the PSX version (TENMUS) or the Sega Saturn version (TENMUS2). So, in later versions of MM8BDM, I suggest that you'll try to incorporate Robot Master stage themes from Mega Man II/Rockman World 2 for the Game Boy. The music for the Robot Master stages in Mega Man II/Rockman World 2 is very different from their NES counterparts, and IMO, sounds pretty awesome, the only flaw is that it gets high pitched sometimes. Why not try and make the tunes NES styled (and less high pitched than on the Game Boy), and incorporate the music into the stages of the respective robot masters (like METMUS2, TOPMUS2, etc.), so that when you enter the stage, it'll either play the NES stage theme or the Game Boy stage theme, similarly to Tengu Man's stage in Mega Man 8? I think it would be pretty cool.

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