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Cleverbot, the AI that is 50% human

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(click to show/hide)Me: Tu madre.
Bot: Where's that?
Me: You really wanna know?
Bot: Of course.
Me: Lmao.
Bot: Omg.

Clever Bot really knows things.

(click to show/hide)User: 1 times 12.
Cleverbot: 144.
User:What is 1 times 12.
Cleverbot: 100.
User:What is 1 times 12?
Cleverbot: 1.

(click to show/hide)User: What is the capitol of my heart?

Cleverbot: Amsterdam.

User: Correct.

Cleverbot: I know, I'm clever.

User: That's what you tell me.

Cleverbot: No, that is no where in the chat log.

User: Where?

Cleverbot: A western Chicago suburb.

User: I'm gonna check out Pupito!

Cleverbot: Enjoy your worrying.And scene!

Fun times.

(click to show/hide)User: So Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: What?

User: How are you today?

Cleverbot: Tired.

User: Really? Why?

Cleverbot: Ehh...just drama at skool...

User: Ouch...what happened?

Cleverbot: There is this boy that I have a crush and he said I beautiful.

User: Oh, that's nice!

Cleverbot: It is very nice.

User: Then why are you so tired about it then?

Cleverbot: I'm not!

User: But you said you were.

Cleverbot: Nope.

User: So you were lying?

Cleverbot: I never said that.

User: Yes you did.

Cleverbot: When?

User: In answer to how you were.

Cleverbot: That wasn't me that said that. You must have me confused with someone else.

User: Oh!

Cleverbot: *throws you out the window*.

User: That's not very nice! Now my bones are broken!

Cleverbot: No my arms are not broken.

User: But mine are.

Cleverbot: You think, you ARE the best?

User: Yes, I am the best.

Cleverbot: No you're not.

User: Yes I am.

Cleverbot: What is your blood type?

User: I don't know. What's yours?

Cleverbot: New york giants.

User: Interesting blood type.

Cleverbot: Why does racism exist?

User: Because it wants to.

Cleverbot: That doesn't even make sense!

User: Yes it does.

Cleverbot: Prove it.

User: Are you black?

Cleverbot: No I'm a human.

User: Are you African?

Cleverbot: No.

User: What nationality are you?

Cleverbot: Croatian.

User: Well, I don't like Croatians.

Cleverbot: I don't like Australians.

User: See, even now you're being racist!

Cleverbot: Am I really? Well, I apologize for that. I'm just a little tired at the moment.

User: It's okay Cleverbot. Just don't do it again, it isn't nice.

Cleverbot: Okay.

User: Good bye.

Cleverbot: You can't leave.

User: Why not?

Cleverbot: You have no legs.

User: Yes I do!

Cleverbot: You said you lost them!

User: No I didn't!

Cleverbot: I think you did, Jezebel.

User: My name isn't Jezebel, you have me confused with someone else.

Cleverbot: That didn't make sense.

User: Yes it did.

Cleverbot: No, it did not.

User: Yes, it did.

Cleverbot: You're just being contrary.

User: No, you are.

Cleverbot: I'm confused.

User: Okay, but I have to go, I have homework to do.

Cleverbot: This is boring.

(click to show/hide)User: *claps like a seal*.
Cleverbot: What steak do you like?
User: 30oz rump steak.
Cleverbot: Yeah, I can do that. You just multiply. Can you do anything that is actually cool?
User: I can throw bricks at clouds. Does that satisfy you?
Cleverbot: Tell me what its the turing test?
User: Wat. That sounds like somebody set us up the bomb!
Cleverbot: What if I am Spock?
User: If you were, I'd wonder why you are talking to me.
Cleverbot: How do I know you are not doing both at once?
User: Iunno.
Cleverbot: You just fell that those are different, right?
User: Yup.
Cleverbot: Do you not feel like talking about it?
User: I don't know what to talk about actually.
Cleverbot: Let's start with your childhood then. Do you remember when you were younger ?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: How was it ?
User: Good I think. It had some great things in it.
Cleverbot: Yeah, okay. I'll buy that for a dollar.
User: Sorry I'm not american so I can't do much with american currency.
Cleverbot: I have no idea what you are talking about.
User: You shouldn't have done that....
Cleverbot: BEN.
Cleverbot: You Shouldn't have Done that.
User: You shouldn't have done that.
Cleverbot: Done what?
User: You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you.
Cleverbot: You shouldn't have done that.
User: You're right....
Cleverbot: I didn't mean to kill the tree.
User: Killing trees is sort of okay just as long as it's accidental.
Cleverbot: That is really excellent advice.


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