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Topics - JaxOf7

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DECORATE and ACS Modifications / srFIXty - Straferun fix mod
« on: January 13, 2014, 02:09:26 AM »

No matter which way you run, you go the same speed. You go as fast as a straferun by... running forward! *gasps of alarm*
The speed you always run is SR40 speed.

Also, it uses Powered-Up's new jump cancel script.

Jump maze is quite fun when you don't have to strafe your jumps.

dead link

W.I.P Forum / [Mod Combination] Roboenzhale
« on: April 29, 2013, 01:17:35 AM »
It is a very rare occurence for two mod files to not only work together, but to create a completely different and coherent game mode while together.
This thread is to give a forum presence and explanation of the rules of this phenomenon.

The first file is RageRoboenza.
The second file is Saxton Hale.
(They do not work in reverse order; you'll just hear a bunch of "NOOOOO"s)

This mode is played in Last Man Standing.
There are essentially 3 "teams" acting within this mod, immune to each other and trying to kill each other.

These are Megamen. They start with LMS Weapons and WTanks.

+They cannot be killed by the Hale and can kill the Hale.

-They can be infected by zombies and cannot kill the zombies.
Though they can possibly outlast the zombies.

These are quick melee guys that convert the survivors into themselves. They start with one alpha zombie and must work quickly to make sure they infect everyone before their time runs out and dies.

+They cannot be hurt by survivors and can infect the survivors.

-They can be killed by the hale.
They can hurt the Hale, but given that you're immune to survivors and die in one hit to the hale...

This is a quick, sturdy, melee guy. There is one and only one.

+They cannot be infected by the zombies and can kill the zombies.

-They can be killed by survivors and cannot kill the survivors.

The game ends when one of the sides is killed off.
In essence, 1 team loses and the other 2 teams win.

Survivors want to kill the hale and end the match while avoiding infection from zombies they cannot kill.
The zombies want to infect all the survivors and end the match while avoiding the Hale that can easily kill them.
The Hale wants to kill all the zombies and end the match while avoiding getting killed by survivors he cannot kill.

Hale > Zombies > Survivors > Hales

That is how this works in general, though of course, there are exceptions and tricks to discover.
You can kill things you're not normally able to with a telefrag.
If the Hale is Slenderman, survivors cannot kill him with attacks.
Pretty sure a couple Hale rages can kill survivors.

Other notes:
As with regular rageroboenza, whether you have won or lost as a zombie takes some personal interpretation. You likely aren't a "winner" for the zombie side if you were the last to be infected.

It can sometimes be worth it to stave off attacking a prey team member if they are in the middle of killing off a predator. You can always resume attacking afterwards.

A three team rock paper scissors mechanic is a very unique thing to experience, and thus I encourage those of you not normally into this kind of play to give it a shot.

Tutorial Collection / Turbo Button bind
« on: April 22, 2013, 09:54:18 AM »
No no, this does not bypass normal rate of fire restrictions.
This allows you to easily fire uncharged shots of chargable weapons.

Go to your Zandronum configuration .ini file.
Under [Doom.ConsoleAliases], paste this
Code: [Select]
Command=+attack; wait 1; -attack; wait 1; RapidFireOn
Command=Alias RapidFireOn "RapidFire"; RapidFireOn
Command=Alias RapidFireOn ""

And that's the alias to do it.
Now you need to bind +RFire to a key. (-RFire is connected to the release of +RFire; don't worry about it.)

Start up MM8BDM (or look under [Doom.Bindings]).

Open the console with ~.
Code: [Select]
bind mouse2 +RFire
Mouse2 is your right click; you can replace that with whatever you like.

Now just hold your turbo button and let the wild coils fly!

W.I.P Forum / Compatibility Patches
« on: December 01, 2012, 05:33:06 AM »
These are my compatibility patches.

(click to show/hide)

Should be more to come.

Projects & Creative / [Game Mode] One Flag CTF to King of The Hill (v1a)
« on: November 07, 2012, 01:05:34 AM »

Converts 1 flag capture the flag mode actors to king of the hill mode actors.
Provides KoTH acs.
Must be played in Teamgame(acs), 1 Flag CTF, or CTF.

The gray flag becomes the control point.
The red and blue flags become healing units.
KoTH is mostly TF2 style'd and includes overtime.

Sv_Possessionholdtime = how quickly the point is captured.
Pointlimit = tics the points must be held for to win. 3600 = standard 2 minutes. 900 = 30 seconds.

How to play KoTH for those who have not played it:
Capture the point by standing near the point; having more people standing near it makes it cap faster!
Capturing can be stopped by having an opposing team member be on the point. You should kill him.
Capture progress will detoriorate over time if capturing is stopped.

Fully capture the point to make it your team's own!
No need to capture the point anymore, just make sure the enemy doesn't capture it!
Have your team own the point in the middle until your team's time runs out. (If the point is being contested when time runs out, the match goes into overtime until you own it uncontestedly. Yes, your opponents can win through overtime.)

Rejected / CTF Magnet Missile
« on: November 03, 2012, 04:20:38 AM »
So Treble Sentry didn't work in CTF properly, so it was changed for that mode.
A_MStaffTrack doesn't work in CTF either, and there is Magnet Missile.
So here's a different Magnet Missile for that mode.

DECORATE and ACS Modifications / [Special Item] Extra Life
« on: October 24, 2012, 03:26:13 AM »

Summon ExtraLife and grab it.
Respawn with all of the items and weapons you had restored.

Not really sure what I intended this for. Guess it can make rare weapons more worth it since you won't lose them with just one death.

W.I.P Forum / Team Balance
« on: January 27, 2012, 01:34:36 AM »

Switches a player's team for balance upon spawning if they're joining a too-large team.
Setting sv_teambalancespectate to 1 spectates them instead.

DECORATE and ACS Modifications / JaxOf7's Class related shenanigans
« on: August 08, 2011, 02:04:32 AM »
Extra Dropped Class Weapons
(click to show/hide)

Geminiman Revamp
(click to show/hide)

Slide with any weapon.
(click to show/hide)

Plant Medic
(click to show/hide)

Weapon Settings
(click to show/hide)

Duo Adaptor (pre v3 Jax version)
(click to show/hide)

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