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Messages - Rozark

Pages: 1 ... 137 138 [139]
Help & Editing / Re: How do "I" do THAT in Doom Builder?
« on: August 29, 2011, 04:18:15 PM »
Whats the texture for animated water in mm8bdm? It seems i've tried them all and they all just stay still

Help & Editing / Re: How do "I" do THAT in Doom Builder?
« on: August 29, 2011, 03:45:17 PM »
How do I make the water animated, like in centaurman's stage?
EDIT: with gravity too

Help & Editing / Re: How do "I" do THAT in Doom Builder?
« on: August 29, 2011, 02:25:29 PM »
:/ I do have other backups, but they all do the same thing. Anyway, off to make a better map

EDIT: shadeguy what would that look like when thats finished @ Script, like without the extra stuff?

Help & Editing / Re: How do "I" do THAT in Doom Builder?
« on: August 29, 2011, 02:07:25 PM »
mk.. so how, me being new to this, would i send it? @_@

Mega Man Discussion / Re: Mega Man Legends 3 cancelled
« on: August 29, 2011, 06:34:17 AM »
You know what, I just thought of something
Capcom has an opening for a new series of megaman (maybe, just read)
Remember at the end of Megaman Battle Network 6, Lan+Mayl=Patch?(I think thats his name)
Well, they could do a series off of his adventures

Just something I thought of :o

Help & Editing / Re: How do "I" do THAT in Doom Builder?
« on: August 29, 2011, 04:21:34 AM »
nope, that didnt work, and i tried all 3 backup files. oh well, imma just create another one, but with a different theme. put abit of planning into it, save it right, and it should be better than the other one.

EDIT: so i can save time later, ive got more questions:
1. how to add rails
2. how to make it so you fall off and die in some areas

Much appreciated ^.^

Help & Editing / Re: How do "I" do THAT in Doom Builder?
« on: August 29, 2011, 03:50:07 AM »
how so? I open the wad, only to find the map isnt there. what i did was, being new to doom editor, i hit save map, not knowing it meant wad. i later tested this with a test map, saving it into the wad, and i was able to reload that. The map is gone, that is unless im wrong.

Help & Editing / Re: How do "I" do THAT in Doom Builder?
« on: August 29, 2011, 03:27:17 AM »
he means that by helping myself, im helping you guys not help me.
in other news.. i guess im starting my map over.. >.<

Help & Editing / Re: How do "I" do THAT in Doom Builder?
« on: August 29, 2011, 03:09:20 AM »
sorry, i posted problems as they came up, which next time ill just group together.

Help & Editing / Re: How do "I" do THAT in Doom Builder?
« on: August 29, 2011, 02:58:04 AM »
Doomeditor had to close suddenly, luckily I saved beforehand, so I thought. Now I can't load it >.< I'm such a noob..

Help & Editing / Re: How do "I" do THAT in Doom Builder?
« on: August 29, 2011, 02:46:34 AM »
well, as I changed the name, it wont load for testing anymore, how do i fix this?

Help & Editing / Re: How do "I" do THAT in Doom Builder?
« on: August 29, 2011, 02:38:44 AM »
thanks, I solved 1 myself, which leaves 2

Help & Editing / Re: How do "I" do THAT in Doom Builder?
« on: August 29, 2011, 01:03:55 AM »
1. How do I change a map name partway through making it?
2. How can I create a bridge that has a floor, and not an invisible floor?
3. How can I make a wall not have black in the background? (EX: Turboman's mountains)
4. How can I make the wall not stack? (EX: I use Turboman's mountains texture on wall, but because I raised ceiling and it made walls bigger, it placed it twice/one on top of the other)

What order do I put the patches in on the extra line parameters to use them?

Pages: 1 ... 137 138 [139]