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Topics - AkumajouKiller

Pages: [1]
Skins & Bots etc / [MM8BDM SKIN] Ralsei (Deltarune)
« on: November 28, 2018, 05:19:21 AM »
Hello Cutstuff Forums! I'm AkumajouKiller. You can call me star though. I've been playing a lot of MM8BDM recently and decided I should make a skin for you guys! What skin you might ask? Well, since no one has surprisingly enough put up any new Undertale and most certainly Deltarune skins, I took the liberty of porting the Dark Prince Ralsei from the Deltarune to 8BDM! The link's are below, if you have any comments or complaints let me know so I can try my best to fix them! Thank you for your time and keep creating amazing stuff!

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