Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch > Help & Editing

Is it possible to change the Critical Death sound through skins?


Is it at all possible to change the sound for being gibbed through the use of a skin? I know how to change a regular death sound.

It actually is!

In SKININFO, you can set the following flags in addition to the ones in the skin tutorial.

--- Code: ---*critpain = MM6LAND
*critdeth = GODCHOKE
--- End code ---

This example uses in-built sounds, do note that *critpain plays in addition to the normal pain sound, so it might be hard to hear if you pick something too quiet.


--- Quote from: Russel on November 19, 2020, 05:44:31 PM ---It actually is!

In SKININFO, you can set the following flags in addition to the ones in the skin tutorial.

--- Code: ---*critpain = MM6LAND
*critdeth = GODCHOKE
--- End code ---

This example uses in-built sounds, do note that *critpain plays in addition to the normal pain sound, so it might be hard to hear if you pick something too quiet.

--- End quote ---

O-ho! Sweet deal. Thanks!


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